instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


Bindable is the abstract base type for all bindable children nodes (e.g Background, Fog, NavigationInfo and Viewpoint ). All Bindable derived nodes (= a bindable node) have the unique behaviour that only one of each type can be bound (i.e., affect the user's experience) at any instant in time. If the node is bound it is active for the current scene. The system maintains an independent, separate stack for each type of bindable node (e.g. ViewBindable) for every scenegraph



XML encoding
<Bindable isDefault='FALSE'
Classic encoding
Bindable {
	isDefault FALSE
	description ""
	triggerName "Synchronize"
	logFeature [""]


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
MFString logFeature MFString inputOutput state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything
SFBool isBound SFBool outputOnly FALSE Event true sent when node becomes active, event false sent when unbound by another node.
SFBool isDefault SFBool initializeOnly FALSE indicates if the object is the default bindable or not (generated if the scene did not contain any Bindable of a missing Type (e.g. Viewpoint))
SFBool set_bind SFBool inputOnly Sending event set_bind=true makes this node active. Sending event set_bind=false makes this node inactive. Thus setting set_bind to true/false will pop/push (enable/disable) this Bindable
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element
SFString description SFString initializeOnly Text description or navigation hint to be displayed for this Bindable. Hint: make descriptions clear and readable. Warning: without description, Bindable (e.g. Viewpoint objs) can not be activated/deactivated with keyboard or gui messages (e.g. switched with PgUp bzw PgDn)
SFString triggerName SFString initializeOnly Synchronize name of the dynamic context-slot which is used by the run-time environment (e.g. Jobs) to trigger the node. Life-Nodes will automatically connect the context-eventOutut to the triggerSlot-eventInput Slot.
SFTime bindTime SFTime outputOnly Event sent when node becomes active/inactive.
XFAny bind XFAny inputOnly sending any event to this slot will bind/activate the Bindable