instantreality 1.0

partly implemented
Structure type:


SnapIns are locations where SnapSensors can "snap in"



XML encoding
<SnapIn id='default'
transULimit='0 0 0'
transLLimit='0 0 0'
rotAxis='0 0 1'
locationTranslation='0 0 0'
locationRotation='0 0 0 1'
Classic encoding
SnapIn {
	id "default"
	sticky TRUE
	maxSticking 1
	transULimit 0 0 0
	transLLimit 0 0 0
	rotAxis 0 0 1
	rotULimit 0
	rotLLimit 0
	triggerName "Timer"
	locationOffset identity
	locationTranslation 0 0 0
	locationRotation 0 0 0 1
	visibleSize 1.0
	description ""
	enabled TRUE
	logFeature [""]


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFString id SFString initializeOnly default SnapSensors keep an idList which is matched against ids of Snapins
SFBool sticky SFBool initializeOnly TRUE if true, SnapSensors stick to this SnapIn and will follow this SnapIn on move.
SFInt32 maxSticking SFInt32 inputOutput 1 [-1, inf) Number of attachable SnapSensors. This works with sticky=TRUE only! -1 means unlimited SnapSensors attachable
SFVec3f transULimit SFVec3f initializeOnly 0 0 0 upper translation limits that a SnapSensor is allowed to move away while sticky to this SnapIn
SFVec3f transLLimit SFVec3f initializeOnly 0 0 0 lower translation limits that a SnapSensor is allowed to move away while sticky to this SnapIn
SFVec3f rotAxis SFVec3f initializeOnly 0 0 1 free rotational axis (0 0 0 means no constrained rotation)
SFFloat rotULimit SFFloat initializeOnly 0 [0, 2pi] upper angle limit.
SFFloat rotLLimit SFFloat initializeOnly 0 [0, 2pi] lower angle limit.
SFBool snapped SFBool outputOnly fired if a sticky SnapSensor has snapped in
SFNode whichSnapped SFNode outputOnly fired if a sticky SnapSensor has snapped in
SFMatrix4f locationOffset SFMatrix4f initializeOnly identity offset of the SnapSomething relative to its parent node
SFVec3f locationTranslation SFVec3f initializeOnly 0 0 0 translation of the SnapSomething relative to its parent node
SFRotation locationRotation SFRotation initializeOnly 0 0 0 1 rotation of the SnapSomething relative to its parent node
SFFloat visibleSize SFFloat initializeOnly 1.0 (-inf, inf) the scalation for the indicator nodes
SFNode indicatorNode SFNode initializeOnly Node If two SnapSomethings are matched as compatible the indicatorNode is shown. Default is a green sphere.
SFNode highlightNode SFNode initializeOnly Node If two SnapSomethings are matched as compatible AND are close enough to "snap", the highlightNode is shown. Default is a red sphere.
SFNode standbyNode SFNode initializeOnly Node the standbyNode is selected when neither of indicator/highlight is shown. It defaults to nothing, so that it is invisible.
SFBool highlightActivated SFBool outputOnly Indicates if highlight is activated or not.
SFTime triggerSlot SFTime inputOnly slot which is used internally to connect a dynamic context-slot which name is set by the triggerName value. Its used automatically to install run-time environment trigger.
MFString logFeature MFString inputOutput state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything