instantreality 1.0

Using OpenNI devices

OpenNI, Depth, Sensor, Kinect
Author(s): Tobias Alexander Franke
Date: 2013-10-06

Summary: This tutorial introduces the OpenNI2 framework and shows how to write an X3D scene with a depth-displaced image from an OpenNI device such as the Microsoft Kinect.


The open framework OpenNI2 is an API for so called "natural interfaces", of which the foremost examples are the Microsoft Kinect for Windows or the ASUS Xtion. Through the API programmers can not only receive access to the camera data, but to a collection of generators which produce different kinds of tracking data. Such generator data might include hand tracking, gesture recognition or user identification, and OpenNI provides interfaces for third party vendors to enhance and create proprietary enhancements. InstantReality provides a node to access the functionality given through the OpenNI framework. In this tutorial, this node is explained in detail to build a demo application of a camera image on a height field generated with a depth map.

Warning: The previous version of the OpenNI node, which built on OpenNI 1.x is now retired. Please install the OpenNI2 and NiTE2 frameworks and use the NI2 node.


To get going, you will need a standard OpenNI installation. You can either download the current stable or alpha binaries or build them yourself. In any case, it is important that the OpenNI library is inside your path environment! If you use the standard installer, this should be taken care of already.

Make sure your driver installation is correct by testing your NI device with one of the samples that come with OpenNI, for instance the NiViewer: if one of the samples produces output such as the depth image, you are ready to go. Alternatively, if you do not own an NI device such as the Kinect, read on below on how to use prerecorded streams.

Warning: As of OpenNI 2.2 Alpha there is still a bug which causes a search for specific driver DLLs in the current working directory. The search will fail and OpenNI won't initialize correctly. To counter this behavior, please add the following environment variable: OPENNI2_DRIVERS_PATH64 for 64bit windows, OPENNI2_DRIVERS_PATH. The variable should contain the path to the Redist driver directory, e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Redist\OpenNI2\Drivers.

Warning: As of NiTE 2.2 there is still a bug which causes a search for pre-stored tracking data in the current working directory. The search will fail and NiTE won't initialize the UserTracker, which is essential for sekelton tracking. You can drop the INI file below in your Instant Reality installation path (e.g. C:\Program Files\Instant Reality\bin) or, if you're using sav, into the same directory you're exectuing sav in. Inside the INI file a custom path is set to the NiTE Redist directory, which you may need to modify.

The node

Instantiating a standard NI2 device

The NI2 node in its complete instantiation is accessed via InstantIO as follows:

Code: OpenNI InstantIO node

<IOSensor DEF='kinect' type='NI2' DeviceID='0' Width='640' Height='480' FPS='30' AlignViewpoints='TRUE' NormalizeDepth='TRUE' Mirror='FALSE' RecordingFile=''>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='Image'                type='SFImage'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='Depth'                type='SFImage'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='UserMask'             type='SFImage'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='TrackedUsers'         type='MFInt32'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='NumUsers'             type='SFInt32'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='HandPosition'         type='SFVec3f'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='Gesture'              type='SFString'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='GestureJSON'          type='SFString'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='JointPositions'       type='MFVec3f'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='JointOrientations'    type='MFRotation'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='SkeletonConfidence'   type='MFFloat'/>
	<field accessType='inputOnly'   name='ResetTrackedUsers'    type='SFBool'/>

  • Since a Kinect device comes with two cameras (a depth and an image sensor), there are two fields to access these images: Image, which provides the color image of the first camera, and Depth, which provides the depth data of the sensor. Please note: the color image is a standard RGB 8bit image, whereas the depth image is a single channel 32bit float image.
  • Another image provided by the IOSensor is the UserMask: this is a simple greyscale image, in which each pixel represents the ID of a user. So for instance to filter out all pixels of user 2, simply write a shader that multiplies all other colors of the Image by 0 and leaves the rest unmodified.
  • Width, Height and FPS fields are self-explanatory configurations for the camera capturing the scene. Note that the FPS parameter is highly device dependent and may be fixed to one value only.
  • The AlignViewPoints parameter controls if the node will align both the depth and color image to a common viewpoint. If this parameter is set to FALSE, you will have to manually match the depth image to the color image (since both cameras are slightly apart on the device).
  • Setting NormalizedDepth controls if the node will automatically rescale the float values of the depth image to a range of 0.0 to 1.0. The scaling factor is a fixed, device-dependent number that is used internally by OpenNI. Setting this parameter to FALSE leaves the values untouched so you can arbitrarily rescale them in your shader.
  • If Mirror is set to TRUE, both the depth and color images will be flipped y-axis.
  • If RecordingFile can be optionally set to a prerecorded .oni file. See below.
  • NumUsers is a simple counter which provides the number of humans detected in front of the device.
  • Gesture will provide a string of a given hand gesture recognized by the device.
  • GestureJSON will provide a JSON container with the recognized gesture and additional metadata about it. This data is dependent on the current detection framework. In this case, NiTE2 is used. Please consult to A flexible approach to gesture recognition and interaction in X3D by T. Franke, M. Olbrich and D. Fellner for more information.
  • JointPositions and JointOrientations are two fields which will output positions and rotation matrices for each joint of one tracked user skeleton. Both arrays provide their joint data in the same order as described in the NiTE2 documentation (refer to NiteEnums.h): JOINT_HEAD, JOINT_NECK, JOINT_LEFT_SHOULDER, JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER, JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW, JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW, JOINT_LEFT_HAND, JOINT_RIGHT_HAND, JOINT_TORSO, JOINT_LEFT_HIP, JOINT_RIGHT_HIP, JOINT_LEFT_KNEE, JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE, JOINT_LEFT_FOOT, JOINT_RIGHT_FOOT An additionl field SkeletonConfidence provides floating point confidence values between 0 (not confident) to 1 (confident) for each joint. These values can be used to ensure proper tracking and filter out unwanted updates.
  • TrackedUsers provides a sequence of IDs of currently tracked users. The list will be updated whenever someone enters or leaves the sensor area. Note that the sequence of IDs is the same as the JointPositions and JointOrientations fields provide joints for each skeleton: for instance, the sequence 4,1,3 will tell you that the first 15 entries of JointOrientations belong to user 4, the next 15 to user 1 and so forth.
  • In case tracked users and skeleton tracking will produce incoherent results, get stuck or simply stop working, you can use this send a TRUE value to this field to force an internal reset. This will wipe all user tracking and reset the tracker.

Using prerecorded .oni files

The OpenNI framework can dump recordings of input generators into so called .oni containers. These files can be used in place of a standard NI device such as the Microsoft Kinect camera for testing purposes. If you just want to test your application without any camera hooked up, or if you do not own any NI compatible device, simply record a sequence and load it with the RecordingFile parameter.

Code: Loading a .oni file

<IOSensor DEF='kinect' type='NI2' RecordingFile='MyFile.oni'>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='Image'  type='SFImage'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly'  name='Depth'  type='SFImage'/>

Please note: prerecorded streams cannot be reconfigured. Therefore parameters Width, Height, FPS and AlignViewports are ignored.

Creating a device

The first step is to create a device in your X3D file. We'll use a standard configuration to extract both the color and depth image and route them to two respective PixelTextures that will later be used by a shader.

Code: Hooking up a kinect device to our X3D example

<IOSensor DEF='kinect' type='NI2' AlignViewpoints='TRUE'>
    <field accessType='outputOnly' name='image' type='SFImage'/>
    <field accessType='outputOnly' name='depth' type='SFImage'/>

            <PixelTexture2D DEF='image'/>
            <PixelTexture2D DEF='depth'/>
        <ComposedShader DEF='shader'>
            <field accessType='inputOutput' name='image' type='SFInt32' value='0'/>
            <field accessType='inputOutput' name='depth' type='SFInt32' value='1'/>
            <ShaderPart type='vertex'   url='"vp.glsl"'/>
            <ShaderPart type='fragment' url='"fp.glsl"'/>


<ROUTE fromNode='kinect' fromField='image' toNode='image' toField='set_image'/>
<ROUTE fromNode='kinect' fromField='depth' toNode='depth' toField='set_image'/>

Handling the depth data

Each pixel of the depth image represents a depth value in some coordinate system that is given by the camera. In order to get meaningful results, you'll often times need to scale or calibrate these values depending on their usage within your application. In this example, we'll use a simple plane with as many vertices as there are pixels. The vertex shader will simply set each vertex' z-value to the calibrated depth value of the camera.

Code: A GLSL shader to displace vertices on a geometry according to the depth image

uniform sampler2D depth;

float getdepth(vec2 tc)
    return texture2D(depth, tc).r*10.0;

void main()
    gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
    vec2 tc = gl_TexCoord[0].st;

    float d = getdepth(tc);
    vec3 ray =;
    vec4 pos = gl_Vertex; = normalize(ray) * d +;
    gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos;

In this shader, the depth value is fetched the depht sampler and modified. For each vertex, we calculate its new position by moving it along its respective normal multiplied by the depth value. As you'll play around with the data, you'll undoubtly notice some border issues and depth values that are out of range. In these cases a simple filtering mechanism can significantly improve the image quality of your application. An example is included in the vertex shader below.



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