instantreality 1.0


supported on WIN32Darwin

Writes midi events to the sequencer.

Please check out the tutorial on input/output streams for further information on how to use devices. Due to technical reasons the input and output fields of a device can only be determined at runtime and therefore do not appear in this interface description. Use the "Web Interface Device Management" entry in the "Help" menu of a running InstantPlayer to determine available input and output fields of a device.



XML encoding
<IOSensor type="MidiOut" Device='-1'
MidiOutPortName='InstantIO MidiOut'
ClientName='MidiOut Node'
Classic encoding
IOSensor {
	type "MidiOut"
	Device "-1"
	MidiOutPortName "InstantIO MidiOut"
	MidiChannel "1"
	ClientName "MidiOut Node"


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFString Device SFString initializeOnly -1 A number starting at 0 specifying the port the MidiOut Node should operate. A value of -1 results in a virtual port that must be connected by an external software.
SFString MidiOutPortName SFString initializeOnly InstantIO MidiOut The name of the MidiOut port to be created by this node.
SFString MidiChannel SFString initializeOnly 1 The midi channel on which to listen for events.
SFString ClientName SFString initializeOnly MidiOut Node The name of this ALSA sequencer client