instantreality 1.0


supported on WIN32LinuxDarwin

Exports OutSlots to and imports OutSlots from the network.

Please check out the tutorial on input/output streams for further information on how to use devices. Due to technical reasons the input and output fields of a device can only be determined at runtime and therefore do not appear in this interface description. Use the "Web Interface Device Management" entry in the "Help" menu of a running InstantPlayer to determine available input and output fields of a device.



XML encoding
<IOSensor type="Network" ID='0'
Classic encoding
IOSensor {
	type "Network"
	ID "0"
	Servers ""
	Prefix "{Hostname}/{SlotLabel}"
	Import "true"
	Export "true"
	MulticastAddress ""
	MulticastPort "4711"
	MulticastTTL "2"
	Port "0"
	Address ""


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFString Address SFString initializeOnly Address of the network interface the server listens for clients. When you do not specify this parameter, the server listens at the default network interface.
SFString Export SFString initializeOnly true When this value is true, the network node exports OutSlots and InSlots to other network nodes.
SFString ID SFString initializeOnly 0 ID number of the network node. Only network nodes with the same ID number can connect to each other.
SFString Import SFString initializeOnly true When this value is true, the network node imports OutSlots and InSlots from other network nodes.
SFString MulticastAddress SFString initializeOnly IP address of the multicast group used by network nodes to connect to each other.
SFString MulticastPort SFString initializeOnly 4711 Port number of the multicast group used by network nodes to connect to each other.
SFString MulticastTTL SFString initializeOnly 2 "Time To Live" value for multicast messages. This value defines how many network segments a multicast message can cover. 0 means the message doesn't leave the host, 1 means the message is just sent to the local network, 2 means the message can pass 1 router etc.
SFString Port SFString initializeOnly 0 Port the server listens for clients. When you do not specify this parameter, the server automatically chooses an available port.
SFString Prefix SFString initializeOnly {Hostname}/{SlotLabel} A prefix the network node puts in front of all labels of exported slots. When you do not enter a label here, the network node automatically takes the hostname as prefix.
SFString Servers SFString initializeOnly List of servers the network node should connect to. Servers are defined by their address and port, separated by ":". List entries are separated by ",". No whitespace is allowed in the list. Usually network nodes connect automatically to other network nodes, so specifying servers is only necessary for manual connections.