instantreality 1.0


supported on WIN32LinuxDarwin

Receives data from or sends data to serial ports.

Please check out the tutorial on input/output streams for further information on how to use devices. Due to technical reasons the input and output fields of a device can only be determined at runtime and therefore do not appear in this interface description. Use the "Web Interface Device Management" entry in the "Help" menu of a running InstantPlayer to determine available input and output fields of a device.



XML encoding
<IOSensor type="Serial" RTS='true'
Classic encoding
IOSensor {
	type "Serial"
	RTS "true"
	InitString ""
	DTR "true"
	Handshake "none"
	StopBits "1"
	Parity "none"
	DataBits "8"
	BaudRate "9600"
	Device "0"
	DeinitString ""
	Delimiter "-1"
	MaxBytes "-1"


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFString BaudRate SFString initializeOnly 9600 Baud rate of the serial port. Possible values are 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.
SFString DataBits SFString initializeOnly 8 Number of data bits used for the communication on the serial port. Possible values are 7 or 8.
SFString DeinitString SFString initializeOnly A deinitialisation string that is send to the serial device to stop operation.
SFString Delimiter SFString initializeOnly -1 The ASCII code of the delimiting character that separates messages. A value of -1 means that there is no delimiting character.
SFString Device SFString initializeOnly 0 A number starting at 0 specifying the serial interface to use.
SFString DTR SFString initializeOnly true The status of the DTR line.
SFString Handshake SFString initializeOnly none Type of handshake (flow control). Possible values are none, hardware or software.
SFString InitString SFString initializeOnly A initialisation string that is send to the serial device to start operation.
SFString MaxBytes SFString initializeOnly -1 The maximum number of bytes a message consists of. A value of -1 means that there is no maximum number of bytes.
SFString Parity SFString initializeOnly none Type of parity used for the communication on the serial port. Possible values are even, odd or none.
SFString RTS SFString initializeOnly true The status of the RTS line.
SFString StopBits SFString initializeOnly 1 Number of stop bits used for the communication on the serial port. Possible values are 1 or 2.