Base for all cycles viewareas.
XML encoding
<CyclesViewarea cyclesEnabled='TRUE' cyclesPaused='FALSE' deviceId='0' ignoreViewModifiers='FALSE' renderWindowTile='FALSE' overrideZNearFar='1e-5 1e5' red='TRUE' green='TRUE' blue='TRUE' alpha='TRUE' leftBuffer='TRUE' rightBuffer='TRUE' enabled='TRUE' view='' background='' foreground='' environment='' user='' fog='' lowerLeft='0 0' upperRight='1 1' description='' grabFrames='0' grabFile='frame%04d.png' statisticLevel='0' keyPress='0' keyRelease='0' mousePress='0' mouseRelease='0' mouseMove='0 0' logFeature='' />
Classic encoding
CyclesViewarea { cyclesEnabled TRUE cyclesPaused FALSE deviceId 0 ignoreViewModifiers FALSE renderWindowTile FALSE overrideZNearFar 1e-5 1e5 red TRUE green TRUE blue TRUE alpha TRUE leftBuffer TRUE rightBuffer TRUE enabled TRUE view [""] background [""] foreground [""] environment [""] user [""] fog [""] lowerLeft 0 0 upperRight 1 1 description "" grabFrames 0 grabFile "frame%04d.png" statisticLevel 0 keyPress 0 keyRelease 0 mousePress 0 mouseRelease 0 mouseMove 0 0 logFeature [""] }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
modifier | MFNode | initializeOnly | ViewModifier | Modifiers are used to add additional features to the viewing matrix. This is used for tiled displays or other complex projections. | ||
mouseOver | SFBool | inputOnly | FALSE | Emits true, if mouse points to a pointing sensor | ||
alpha | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If FALSE, the alpha color component is removed. | ||
background | MFString | inputOutput | Names of background objects that should be used on this viewarea. If no name is given, the currently bound background is used. If more than one name is given, the first valid backgound is used | |||
blue | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If FALSE, the blue color component is removed. | ||
cameraOptions | SFNode | inputOutput | CyclesCameraOptions | A CyclesCameraOptions node that controls the camera associated with this Viewarea. | ||
cyclesEnabled | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Enable rendering with cycles. If false, the default (rasterization) renderer is used. | ||
cyclesPaused | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | Pause rendering with cycles. Rendering can be resumed from where it left off by setting this to false again. | ||
description | SFString | inputOutput | Textual description of this viewarea | |||
deviceId | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Device id to use. 0 is usually the CPU and always present, CUDA and OpenCL devices have higher ids. | ||
displayFilter | MFNode | inputOutput | DisplayFilter | Holds all optional display filter nodes | ||
enabled | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If FALSE, rendering is disabled | ||
environment | MFString | inputOutput | Names of environment objects that should be used on this viewarea. If no name is given, the currently bound background is used. If more than one name is given, the first valid environment is used | |||
filmOptions | SFNode | inputOutput | CyclesFilmOptions | A CyclesFilmOptions node that controls the film associated with this Viewarea. | ||
fog | MFString | inputOutput | Names of fog bindable objects that should be used on this viewarea. If no name is given, the currently bound fog is used. If more than one name is given, the first valid fog is used | |||
foreground | MFString | inputOutput | Names of foreground objects that should be used on this viewarea. If no name is given, the currently bound foreground is used. If more than one name is given, the first valid foreground is used | |||
grabFile | SFString | inputOutput | frame%04d.png | Filename that should be used to save grabed images. A sequence number can be used with the sprintf %d operator. | ||
grabFrames | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | If value positive, 'value' rendered images are grabed and written into a file given by grabFile, if value=-1, grabbing is always done, if 0, it is disabled. | ||
green | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If FALSE, the green color component is removed. | ||
ignoreViewModifiers | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | If true, view modifiers are ignored. Currently CyclesViewarea does not support off-center projection, so most of the modifiers won't work correctly. If you experience problems you can at least get the 'default' camera back with this field. This _only_ applies to rendering with Cycles (cyclesEnabled==true), the rasterization bypass is not affected! | ||
integratorOptions | SFNode | inputOutput | CyclesIntegratorOptions | A CyclesIntegratorOptions node that controls the integrator associated with this Viewarea. | ||
keyPress | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Key press event output | ||
keyRelease | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Key release event output | ||
leftBuffer | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If TRUE, rendering is done to the view buffer for the left eye | ||
logFeature | MFString | inputOutput | state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut | controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything | ||
lowerLeft | SFVec2f | inputOutput | 0 0 | Lower left corner of the viewarea. Values less or equal then 1 are treated as relative values. If values are greater then 1, the values are treated as number of pixels | ||
metadata | SFNode | inputOutput | MetadataObject | container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element | ||
mouseMove | SFVec2f | inputOutput | 0 0 | Mouse move event. Gives the position of the mouse in 2D window space | ||
mousePress | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Mouse button press event output | ||
mouseRelease | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Mouse button release event output | ||
navigator | SFNode | inputOutput | Navigator | Navigator object used for user interaction | ||
overrideZNearFar | SFVec2f | inputOutput | 1e-5 1e5 | If larger than 0 overrides Viewpoint's zNear/zFar values (if rendering with Cycles). Per default the override is active, because the automatic adaption of zNear/zFar causes problems in Cycles. If all Viewpoints have explicit zNear/zFar values the override can be deactivated by setting (-1,-1). | ||
red | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If FALSE, the red color component is removed. | ||
renderWindowTile | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | If true, this Viewarea is regarded as a tile of the parent window. The camera is interpreted with respect to the whole window, but only the Viewarea is rendered. This enables a basic version of tiled rendering, even though TileViewModifier does not work. If false, the Viewarea is regarded as 'independent'. The camera is interpreted with respect to the Viewarea. This interplays with ignoreViewModifiers. This _only_ applies to rendering with Cycles (cyclesEnabled==true), the rasterization bypass is not affected! | ||
rightBuffer | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If TRUE, rendering is done to the view buffer for the right eye | ||
sceneOptions | SFNode | inputOutput | CyclesSceneOptions | A CyclesSceneOptions node that controls the scene associated with this Viewarea. | ||
sessionOptions | SFNode | inputOutput | CyclesSessionOptions | A CyclesSessionOptions node that controls the session associated with this Viewarea. | ||
statisticLevel | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Statistics level | ||
targetTextures | MFNode | inputOutput | SingleTexture | The textures to render to. Hint: Use a SolidTexture.First entry is the output buffer (the displayed image), specialized nodes may expose additional buffers. | ||
upperRight | SFVec2f | inputOutput | 1 1 | Upper right corner of the viewarea. Values less or equal then 1 are treated as relative values. If values are greater then 1, the values are treated as number of pixels | ||
user | MFString | inputOutput | Names of user bindable objects that should be used on this viewarea. If no name is given, the currently bound user is used. If more than one name is given, the first valid user is used | |||
view | MFString | inputOutput | Names of viewpoint objects that should be used on this viewarea. If no name is given, the currently bound viewpoint is used. If more than one name is given, the first valid viewpoint is used. | |||
message | SFString | outputOnly | Message to be processed. Valid messages are: toggleFullScreen toggleHeadlight toggleGlobalShadow nextShadowMode toggleLazyInteractionEvalution toggleDrawVolume toggleCullFrustum toggleCullOcclusion nextDrawMode pointDrawMode lineDrawMode fillDrawMode nextInfoScreen firstView lastView nextView prevView resetViewPosition showAll walkNav flyNav freeFlyNav examineNav lookatNav noneNav forward backward left right exportBackendASC exportBackendBIN exit | |||
touchPoints | MFVec4f | outputOnly | Touch points (x, y, id, button state) with button press 0, release 1, move 2. |