EnvironmentBindable (alias: Environment)
EnvironmentBindable interface for holding render options.
XML encoding
<EnvironmentBindable globalShadowIntensity='0' shadowMapSize='512' shadowMode='perspectiveHardShadow' shadowOffset='4' shadowSmoothness='0.5' shadowExcludeTransparentObjects='TRUE' frameBufferMode='auto' occlusionCulling='FALSE' occlusionCullingMode='stopAndWait' occlusionCullingPixels='0.0' occlusionCullingThreshold='0' sortTrans='TRUE' correctTwoSidedLighting='TRUE' twoSidedLighting='TRUE' polygonMode='fill' drawVolume='FALSE' localLights='TRUE' smallFeatureCulling='FALSE' smallFeatureCullingMode='traversal' smallFeaturePixels='10.0' smallFeatureThreshold='0' specTexLighting='TRUE' backfaceCulling='FALSE' frustumCulling='TRUE' syncOnFrameFinish='FALSE' stateSorting='TRUE' systemSpeed='1.0' autoFPSAdjustTarget='-1.0 -1.0' autoFPSAdjustSmallFeaturePixels='0.0 10000.0' autoFPSAdjustOcclusionPixels='-1.0 -1.0' isDefault='FALSE' description='' triggerName='Synchronize' logFeature='' />
Classic encoding
EnvironmentBindable { globalShadowIntensity 0 shadowMapSize 512 shadowMode "perspectiveHardShadow" shadowOffset 4 shadowSmoothness 0.5 shadowExcludeTransparentObjects TRUE frameBufferMode "auto" occlusionCulling FALSE occlusionCullingMode "stopAndWait" occlusionCullingPixels 0.0 occlusionCullingThreshold 0 sortTrans TRUE correctTwoSidedLighting TRUE twoSidedLighting TRUE polygonMode "fill" drawVolume FALSE localLights TRUE smallFeatureCulling FALSE smallFeatureCullingMode "traversal" smallFeaturePixels 10.0 smallFeatureThreshold 0 specTexLighting TRUE backfaceCulling FALSE frustumCulling TRUE syncOnFrameFinish FALSE stateSorting TRUE systemSpeed 1.0 autoFPSAdjustTarget -1.0 -1.0 autoFPSAdjustSmallFeaturePixels 0.0 10000.0 autoFPSAdjustOcclusionPixels -1.0 -1.0 isDefault FALSE description "" triggerName "Synchronize" logFeature [""] }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
globalShadowIntensity | SFFloat | inputOutput | 0 | [0, 1] | global shadow intensity, overwrites the shadowIntensity settings per light if not 0 | |
shadowMapSize | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 512 | [0, Inf] | shadow map size | |
shadowMode | SFString | inputOutput | perspectiveHardShadow | none, uniformHardShadow, perspectiveHardShadow, fastUniformSoftShadow, niceUniformSoftShadow, uniformSoftShadow, perspectiveSoftShadow | defines the shadow mode | |
shadowOffset | SFFloat | inputOutput | 4 | [0, Inf] | Offset factor for polygon offset. | |
shadowSmoothness | SFFloat | inputOutput | 0.5 | [0, 1] | defines the filter sampling range | |
shadowExcludeObjects | MFNode | inputOutput | List of objects which should be excluded from throwing shadows | |||
shadowExcludeTransparentObjects | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Usually transparent objects like glass do not throw (much) shadow. | ||
frameBufferMode | SFString | inputOutput | auto | auto, fbo, copy, pbuffer | controlles the frame buffer mode | |
occlusionCulling | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | If TRUE, occlusion culling is enabled. This can speedup rendering, if large parts of the scene is hidden by other objects. | ||
occlusionCullingMode | SFString | inputOutput | stopAndWait | stopAndWait; multiFrame; hierarchicalMultiFrame | occlusionCulling mode; use occlusionCulling field to switch it on/off | |
occlusionCullingPixels | SFFloat | inputOutput | 0.0 | Ignore small objects, if the number of visible pixlels is less then this value. | ||
occlusionCullingThreshold | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Small feature threshold form occlusion tests | ||
sortTrans | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If TRUE, transparent objects are sorted from back to front. | ||
correctTwoSidedLighting | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Correct if a transformation is a mirror | ||
twoSidedLighting | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If true, the back and the fron of faces are lit. | ||
polygonMode | SFString | inputOutput | fill | point; line; fill | Polygon mode. Valid entries are point, line, fill | |
drawVolume | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | If TRUE, bounding volumes are shown as wire frame boxes | ||
localLights | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Enable or disable local lights in the rendering backend | ||
smallFeatureCulling | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | Optimizations for small objects | ||
smallFeatureCullingMode | SFString | inputOutput | traversal | traversal; draw | 'traversal': cull nodes during scene graph traversal; 'draw': cull only draw calls | |
smallFeaturePixels | SFFloat | inputOutput | 10.0 | Ignore small objects, if the number of visible pixlels is less then this value. | ||
smallFeatureThreshold | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Small feature threshold | ||
specTexLighting | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Use speculare texture lighting extension | ||
backfaceCulling | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | If true, backface culling is enabled. | ||
frustumCulling | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If TRUE, objects outside the viewing frusum are ignored | ||
syncOnFrameFinish | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | If this field is FALSE, the final Finish call is ommited. This can result in higher frame rates. | ||
stateSorting | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If true, the drawer minimizes render state changes by resorting state chunks. | ||
systemSpeed | SFFloat | inputOutput | 1.0 | Defines context-global factor which scales all time-dependent calculations (e.g. animation, simulation) | ||
effects | MFNode | inputOutput | VisualEffects | Specifies the desired global effects like depth of field and motion blur for the post-processing step. If bounded viewpoint has any effect enabled, the viewpoint's effects settings take precedence over the environment's effects settings. | ||
autoFPSAdjustTarget | SFVec2f | inputOutput | -1.0 -1.0 | target FPS for auto-adjustment (x: static camera, y: moving camera), -1 to turn off | ||
autoFPSAdjustSmallFeaturePixels | SFVec2f | inputOutput | 0.0 10000.0 | FPS auto-adjustment will vary the small feature size for culling between this two values (in pixels). Set to -1.0 to disable small feature culling during auto-adjustment. | ||
autoFPSAdjustOcclusionPixels | SFVec2f | inputOutput | -1.0 -1.0 | FPS auto-adjustment will vary the size of occluded objects between this two values (objects that cover less pixels are considered to be occluded). Set to -1.0 to disable occlusion culling during auto-adjustment. | ||
bind | XFAny | inputOnly | sending any event to this slot will bind/activate the Bindable | |||
isDefault | SFBool | initializeOnly | FALSE | indicates if the object is the default bindable or not (generated if the scene did not contain any Bindable of a missing Type (e.g. Viewpoint)) | ||
triggerName | SFString | initializeOnly | Synchronize | name of the dynamic context-slot which is used by the run-time environment (e.g. Jobs) to trigger the node. Life-Nodes will automatically connect the context-eventOutut to the triggerSlot-eventInput Slot. | ||
triggerSlot | SFTime | inputOnly | slot which is used internally to connect a dynamic context-slot which name is set by the triggerName value. Its used automatically to install run-time environment trigger. | |||
logFeature | MFString | inputOutput | state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut | controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything |