instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


The ProximitySensor node generates events when the viewer enters, exits, and moves within a region in space (defined by a box).



XML encoding
<GeoProximitySensor geoCenter='0 0 0'
center='0 0 0'
size='0 0 0'
Classic encoding
GeoProximitySensor {
	geoCenter 0 0 0
	geoSystem ["'GD','WE'"]
	center 0 0 0
	size 0 0 0
	triggerName "Synchronize"
	description ""
	enabled TRUE
	logFeature [""]


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFVec3d geoCenter SFVec3d inputOutput 0 0 0 (-inf, inf) Center of the sensor box in geographic coordinates.
SFVec3f centerOfRotation_changed SFVec3f outputOnly sends events whenever the user is contained within the proximity region and the center of rotation of the viewer for EXAMINE mode changes with respect to the ProximitySensor node's coordinate system
SFVec3d geoCoord_changed SFVec3d outputOnly Corresponds to position_changed but is transform into the given geoSystem
SFRotation orientation_changed SFRotation outputOnly orientation of camera in the local coordinate frame of the sensor
SFVec3f position_changed SFVec3f outputOnly position of camera in the local coordinate frame of the sensor
SFNode geoOrigin SFNode initializeOnly NULL [GeoOrigin] A local coordinate frame for extended precision.
MFString geoSystem MFString initializeOnly 'GD','WE' Defines the geographic coordinate system that will be used for the geospatial coordinates in that node.
SFString triggerName SFString initializeOnly Synchronize name of the dynamic context-slot which is used by the run-time environment (e.g. Jobs) to trigger the node. Life-Nodes will automatically connect the context-eventOutut to the triggerSlot-eventInput Slot.
SFTime triggerSlot SFTime inputOnly slot which is used internally to connect a dynamic context-slot which name is set by the triggerName value. Its used automatically to install run-time environment trigger.
MFString logFeature MFString inputOutput state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything