This filter is specifically designed for the Oculus Rift HMD. Please consult the SDK documentation for more detailed information on the available parameters.
XML encoding
<ImprovedDistortionDisplayFilter distortionK='1 0 0 0' chromaAbCorrection='1 0 1 0' width='1280' height='800' lensSeparationDistance='0.064' hScreenSize='0.14976f' vScreenSize='0.0935f' leftEye='TRUE' enabled='TRUE' logFeature='' />
Classic encoding
ImprovedDistortionDisplayFilter { distortionK 1 0 0 0 chromaAbCorrection 1 0 1 0 width 1280 height 800 lensSeparationDistance 0.064 hScreenSize 0.14976f vScreenSize 0.0935f leftEye TRUE enabled TRUE logFeature [""] }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
distortionK | SFVec4f | inputOutput | 1 0 0 0 | Radial distortion coefficients for a polynomial x + xk^2 + xk^4 + xk^6. | ||
chromaAbCorrection | SFVec4f | inputOutput | 1 0 1 0 | Chromatic aberration correction factors. | ||
width | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 1280 | The resolution width of the entire display of the HMD. | ||
height | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 800 | The resolution height of the entire display of the HMD. | ||
lensSeparationDistance | SFFloat | inputOutput | 0.064 | Physical distance between the lens centers, in meters. | ||
hScreenSize | SFFloat | inputOutput | 0.14976f | Physical dimensions of the HMD screen width in meters. Half hScreenSize is used for each eye. | ||
vScreenSize | SFFloat | inputOutput | 0.0935f | Physical dimensions of the HMD screen height in meters. | ||
leftEye | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If true, filter will render view for left eye. | ||
enabled | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If FALSE, filter is disabled | ||
logFeature | MFString | inputOutput | state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut | controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything | ||
metadata | SFNode | inputOutput | MetadataObject | container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element |