NurbsSurface (alias: NurbsPatchSurface)
The NurbsSurface node represents the abstract geometry type for all types of NURBS surfaces.
XML encoding
<NurbsSurface uTessellation='1' vTessellation='1' weight='' solid='TRUE' ccw='TRUE' uClosed='FALSE' uDimension='0' uKnot='' uOrder='3' vClosed='FALSE' vDimension='0' vKnot='' vOrder='3' meshGenerationType='auto' lit='TRUE' resolution='1' multiResolutionLevel='1' invalidateVolume='FALSE' normalUpdateMode='nice' cacheMode='auto' optimizationMode='auto' logFeature='' />
Classic encoding
NurbsSurface { uTessellation 1 vTessellation 1 weight [] solid TRUE ccw TRUE uClosed FALSE uDimension 0 uKnot [] uOrder 3 vClosed FALSE vDimension 0 vKnot [] vOrder 3 meshGenerationType "auto" lit TRUE resolution 1 multiResolutionLevel 1 invalidateVolume FALSE normalUpdateMode "nice" cacheMode "auto" optimizationMode ["auto"] logFeature [""] }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
controlPoint | SFNode | inputOutput | Coordinate | controlPoint defines a set of control points of dimension uDimension x vDimension. This set of points defines a mesh where the points do not have a uniform spacing. | ||
texCoord | SFNode | inputOutput | VisualProperty | texCoord provides additional information on how to generate texture coordinates. By default, texture coordinates are generated automatically from the parametric subdivision. | ||
uTessellation | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 1 | hint for surface tesselation. | ||
vTessellation | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 1 | hint for surface tesselation. | ||
weight | MFDouble | inputOutput | Vector assigning weight to each control point. | |||
solid | SFBool | initializeOnly | TRUE | Setting solid true means draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on), setting solid false means draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off). Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side! | ||
ccw | SFBool | initializeOnly | TRUE | If ccw is TRUE, the normals shall follow the right hand rule. Also used for orientation of trajectory curve. | ||
uClosed | SFBool | initializeOnly | FALSE | Whether opposite surface sides are closed (seamless) across u dimension. | ||
uDimension | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Number of control points in u dimension. | ||
uKnot | MFDouble | initializeOnly | Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve. | |||
uOrder | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 3 | Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1. | ||
vClosed | SFBool | initializeOnly | FALSE | Whether opposite surface sides are closed (seamless) across u dimension. | ||
vDimension | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Number of control points in v dimension. | ||
vKnot | MFDouble | initializeOnly | Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve. | |||
vOrder | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 3 | Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1. | ||
meshGenerationType | SFString | inputOutput | auto | auto; dynamic; simpleStatic; advancedStatic | Geometry creation mode. Note: 'simpleStatic' needs 'glu 1.3' and may not work correctly under Windows. | |
lit | SFBool | initializeOnly | TRUE | Specifies whether to enable/disable lighting the geometry. TRUE enables lighting, FALSE disables lighting. | ||
resolution | SFFloat | inputOutput | 1 | factor for subdivision of mesh | ||
multiResolutionLevel | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 1 | resolution level in progressive mesh | ||
invalidateVolume | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | set volume invalid | ||
normalUpdateMode | SFString | initializeOnly | nice | none; fast; nice | force update of normals; nice update is with creaseAngle, fast is without | |
cacheMode | SFString | initializeOnly | auto | auto; dlist; vbo; off | controls the creation of geo cache objects; auto is vbo or dlist for dynamic objects | |
optimizationMode | MFString | inputOutput | auto | auto; all, none, sharedVertex; stripFan; vertexResort; reduceIndexSize; singleIndex | optimization mode settings; used leading +/- to switch modes on and off | |
logFeature | MFString | inputOutput | state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut | controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything | ||
metadata | SFNode | inputOutput | MetadataObject | container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element |