PointLight is a light source that illuminates shapes in all directions Light illuminates all geometry and is not scoped by scene graph hierarchy Lights have no visible shape themselves and shine through occluding geometry. Hint: HeadLight is controlled by NavigationInfo.
XML encoding
<PointLight on='TRUE' logFeature='' proxyGeometrySize='1 1 1' shadowIntensity='0' showProxyGeometry='FALSE' intensity='1' color='1 1 1' ambientIntensity='0' global='TRUE' location='0 0 0' radius='100' attenuation='1 0 0' />
Classic encoding
PointLight { on TRUE logFeature [""] proxyGeometrySize 1 1 1 shadowIntensity 0 showProxyGeometry FALSE intensity 1 color 1 1 1 ambientIntensity 0 global TRUE location 0 0 0 radius 100 attenuation 1 0 0 }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
attenuation | SFVec3f | inputOutput | 1 0 0 | Constant, linear-distance and squared-distance dropoff factors. | ||
location | SFVec3f | inputOutput | 0 0 0 | Position of light relative to local coordinate system. | ||
radius | SFFloat | inputOutput | 100 | (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) Maximum effective distance of light relative to local light position, affected by ancestor scaling. | ||
global | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | indicates if the light is global (influences all elements in the scene) or local (only the childs of the parent node) | ||
ambientIntensity | SFFloat | inputOutput | 0 | [0, 1] | Brightness of ambient (nondirectional background) emission from the light. | |
color | SFColor | inputOutput | 1 1 1 | color of light, applied to colors of objects. | ||
intensity | SFFloat | inputOutput | 1 | [0, 1] | Brightness of direct emission from the light. | |
on | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Enables/disables this effector (e.g. light) | ||
metadata | SFNode | inputOutput | MetadataObject | container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element |