TransmitterPdu is a networked PDU information node.
XML encoding
<TransmitterPdu whichGeometry='1' readInterval='0.1' writeInterval='1.0' networkMode='standAlone' isStandAlone='' isNetworkReader='' isNetworkWriter='' siteID='0' applicationID='1' entityID='0' address='localhost' port='0' multicastRelayHost='' multicastRelayPort='0' rtpHeaderExpected='false' isRtpHeaderHeard='' isActive='' timestamp='' radioID='0' antennaLocation='0 0 0' antennaPatternLength='0' antennaPatternType='0' cryptoKeyID='0' cryptoSystem='0' frequency='0' inputSource='0' lengthOfModulationParameters='0' modulationTypeDetail='0' modulationTypeMajor='0' modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum='0' modulationTypeSystem='0' power='0.0' radioEntityTypeCategory='0' radioEntityTypeCountry='0' radioEntityTypeDomain='0' radioEntityTypeKind='0' radioEntityTypeNomenclature='0' radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion='0' relativeAntennaLocation='0 0 0' transmitFrequencyBandwidth='0' transmitState='0' bboxCenter='0 0 0' bboxSize='-1 -1 -1' render='TRUE' showBBox='FALSE' logFeature='' />
Classic encoding
TransmitterPdu { whichGeometry 1 readInterval 0.1 writeInterval 1.0 networkMode standAlone isStandAlone isNetworkReader isNetworkWriter siteID 0 applicationID 1 entityID 0 address "localhost" port 0 multicastRelayHost "" multicastRelayPort 0 rtpHeaderExpected false isRtpHeaderHeard isActive timestamp radioID 0 antennaLocation 0 0 0 antennaPatternLength 0 antennaPatternType 0 cryptoKeyID 0 cryptoSystem 0 frequency 0 inputSource 0 lengthOfModulationParameters 0 modulationTypeDetail 0 modulationTypeMajor 0 modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum 0 modulationTypeSystem 0 power 0.0 radioEntityTypeCategory 0 radioEntityTypeCountry 0 radioEntityTypeDomain 0 radioEntityTypeKind 0 radioEntityTypeNomenclature 0 radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion 0 relativeAntennaLocation 0 0 0 transmitFrequencyBandwidth 0 transmitState 0 bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxSize -1 -1 -1 render TRUE showBBox FALSE logFeature [""] }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
address | SFString | initializeOnly | localhost | Multicast address, or else "localhost" example: | ||
antennaLocation | SFVec3f | initializeOnly | 0 0 0 | Provides the location of the transmitter antenna in the DIS coordinate system. Note that the DIS specification allocates 64-bit floating point values for the components of the antenna location vector, whereas it is represented here as SFVec3f for maximmum interoperability with X3D. | ||
antennaPatternLength | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Specifies the length of the Antenna Pattern Parameters field in octets (value is a multiple of 8). | ||
antennaPatternType | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Indicates the type of representation for the radiation pattern from the antenna enumerated value: 0 = omnidirectional; 1 = beam; 2 = spherical harmonic. | ||
applicationID | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 1 | EntityID application ID, unique for application at that site. | ||
bboxCenter | SFVec3f | initializeOnly | 0 0 0 | Bounding box center: position offset from origin of local coordinate system. | ||
bboxSize | SFVec3f | initializeOnly | -1 -1 -1 | Bounding box size: automatically calculated, can be specified as an optimization or constraint. | ||
cryptoKeyID | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Indicates whether the crypto equipment is in the baseband encryption mode or the diphase encryption mode (high order bit of the 16-bit field) and provides the key identifier (lower order 15 bits). | ||
cryptoSystem | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Identifies the crypto equipment used enumerated value: - (negative) = other; 1 = KY-28; 2 = KY-58; 3 = Narrow Spectrum Secure Voice (NSVE); 4 = Wide Spectrum Secure Voice (WSVE); 5 = SINCGARS ICOM. | ||
entityID | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | EntityID unique ID for entity within that application. | ||
frequency | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Specifies the center frequency (in Hertz) being used by the radio for transmission. Note that the DIS specification allocates a 64-bit unsigned integer to represent frequency values, whereas it is limited to SFInt32 in X3D. | ||
inputSource | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Specifies which position or data port in the entity utilizing the radio is providing the input audio or data being transmitted enumerated value: 0 = other; 1 = pilot; 2 = copilot; 3 = first officer; 4 = driver; 5 = loader; 6 = gunner; 7 = commander; 8 = digital data device; 9 = intercom. | ||
isActive | SFBool | initializeOnly | Have we had a network update recently?. | |||
isNetworkReader | SFBool | initializeOnly | Whether networkMode="remote" (listen to network as copy of remote entity) | |||
isNetworkWriter | SFBool | initializeOnly | Whether networkMode="master" (output to network as master entity at writeInterval) | |||
isRtpHeaderHeard | SFBool | initializeOnly | Whether incoming DIS packets have an RTP header prepended. | |||
isStandAlone | SFBool | initializeOnly | Whether networkMode="local" (ignore network but still respond to local events) | |||
lengthOfModulationParameters | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | No description in the specification. | ||
modulationTypeDetail | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Contains detailed information depending on the Major Modulation Type (modulationTypeMajor). | ||
modulationTypeMajor | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Provides the major classification of the modulation type enumerated value: 0 = other; 1 = amplitude; 2 = amplitude and angle; 3 = angle; 4 = combination;5 = pulse; 6 = unmodulated. | ||
modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Indicates the spread spectrum technique or combination of techniques in use enumerated value: 0 = frequency hopping; 1 = pseudo-noise; 2 = time hopping; 3-15 are to be determined. | ||
modulationTypeSystem | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Specifies the interpretation of the modulation parameter field(s) in the Transmitter PDU (enumerated value): 0 = other; 1 = generic; 2 = HQ; 3 = HQII; 4 = HQIIA; 5 = SINCGARS; 6 = CCTT SINCGARS. | ||
multicastRelayHost | SFString | initializeOnly | Fallback server address if multicast not available locally example: | |||
multicastRelayPort | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Fallback server port if multicast not available locally example: 8010. | ||
networkMode | SFFloat | initializeOnly | standAlone | Whether this entity is ignoring the network, sending DIS packets to the network, or receiving DIS packets from the network. (1) standAlone: ignore network but still respond to events in local scene. (2) networkReader: listen to network and read PDU packets at readInterval, act as remote copy of entity. (3) networkWriter: send PDU packets to network at writeInterval, act as master entity. Default value quotestandAlonequote ensures that DIS network activation within a scene as networkReader or networkWriter is intentional. | ||
port | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Multicast port example: 62040. | ||
power | SFFloat | initializeOnly | 0.0 | Provides the average power (in units of dBm) of the radio entity transmission. | ||
radioEntityTypeCategory | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Specifies the main category describing the radio entity. | ||
radioEntityTypeCountry | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Identifies the country to which the design of the radio entity is attributed. | ||
radioEntityTypeDomain | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | the field designates the domain of operation of currently 6 radio enumerated values | ||
radioEntityTypeKind | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | An 8-bit enumeration (eg value of 7 indicates Entity Kind of "Radio"). | ||
radioEntityTypeNomenclature | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Specifies the nomenclature for a particular communications device. | ||
radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Designates the specific modification or individual unit type of a series and/or family of equipment. | ||
radioID | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | Identifies a particular radio within a given entity (entityID). The radioID is assigned sequentially, starting with 1. | ||
readInterval | SFTime | initializeOnly | 0.1 | Seconds between read updates, 0 means no reading. | ||
relativeAntennaLocation | SFVec3f | initializeOnly | 0 0 0 | Provides an offset from the location of the transmitter entity to simulate placement of antennas some distance from the transmitter equipment. | ||
rtpHeaderExpected | SFBool | initializeOnly | false | Whether RTP headers are prepended to DIS PDUs. | ||
siteID | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | EntityID site. | ||
timestamp | SFTime | initializeOnly | DIS timestamp in VRML units. | |||
transmitFrequencyBandwidth | SFFloat | initializeOnly | 0 | Identifies the bandpass of the transmitting radio entity. | ||
transmitState | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 0 | No description in specification. | ||
whichGeometry | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 1 | Select geometry to render: -1 for no geometry, 0 for text trace, 1 for default geometry. | ||
writeInterval | SFTime | initializeOnly | 1.0 | Seconds between write updates, 0 means no writing. | ||
logFeature | MFString | inputOutput | state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut | controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything | ||
metadata | SFNode | inputOutput | MetadataObject | container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element | ||
render | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Flag to control the visibility of the node or subtree | ||
showBBox | SFBool | inputOutput | FALSE | Show Bounding Box of Subtree. |