This job is used to provide web services like SOAP to external applications
XML encoding
<WebServiceJob triggerName='WebInterface' backlog='511' address='' port='35668' realm='Avalon' logPageEntries='25' user='' passwd='' stylePageUrl='' appUrl='' timeOut='300' networkEventLogLevel='0' maxClients='256' keepAliveTimeout='15' maxKeepAliveRequests='100' hostnameLookups='FALSE' enabled='TRUE' logFeature='' runTime='0' UDDI='TRUE' WSDL='TRUE' />
Classic encoding
WebServiceJob { triggerName "WebInterface" backlog 511 address "" port 35668 realm "Avalon" logPageEntries 25 user "" passwd "" stylePageUrl [""] appUrl [""] timeOut 300 networkEventLogLevel 0 maxClients 256 keepAliveTimeout 15 maxKeepAliveRequests 100 hostnameLookups FALSE enabled TRUE logFeature [""] runTime 0 UDDI TRUE WSDL TRUE }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
address | SFString | initializeOnly | Address to which this service should be bound | |||
appUrl | MFString | initializeOnly | Documents that should be available through the web interface | |||
backlog | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 511 | Number of messages that should be logged internally | ||
hostnameLookups | SFBool | initializeOnly | FALSE | If true, hostname lookups are allowed, i.e. the real host names are written into the log. If false, only the IP adresses are written into the log. | ||
keepAliveTimeout | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 15 | Timeout between subsequent request when a connection is kept open. | ||
maxClients | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 256 | Maximum number of clients that are able to simultaniously connect to the web server | ||
maxKeepAliveRequests | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 100 | Maximum number of requests that can be sent on an open connection before the connection gets closed | ||
passwd | SFString | initializeOnly | Password. Can be used to force user identification | |||
port | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 35668 | Port number the web server listens at for web browsers | ||
realm | SFString | initializeOnly | Avalon | This field is used in conjunction with the user and the password field. It specifies a realm where the user names and passwords are valid. In this realm you only have to enter user name and password once at the beginning of the session. For all following requests in the same realm, the web browser automatically provides username and password. | ||
runTime | SFTime | initializeOnly | 0 | Time when execution was finished | ||
stylePageUrl | MFString | initializeOnly | external stylePage | |||
timeOut | SFInt32 | initializeOnly | 300 | Time out for the first request. A connection is closed when the web browser does not send the first request in this period of time. | ||
triggerName | SFString | initializeOnly | WebInterface | name of the dynamic context-slot which is used by the run-time the Jobs to trigger Live-nodes. Life-Jobs will automatically connect the triggerSlot-output to the context-slot. | ||
user | SFString | initializeOnly | User name. Can be used to force user identification. | |||
exec | SFTime | inputOnly | This event is used to exec the job | |||
enabled | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | If TRUE, job is ready to receive and process start event | ||
logFeature | MFString | inputOutput | state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut | controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything | ||
logPageEntries | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 25 | Number of entries in the log page | ||
metadata | SFNode | inputOutput | MetadataObject | container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element | ||
networkEventLogLevel | SFInt32 | inputOutput | 0 | Log level for the network layer | ||
UDDI | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Unused | ||
WSDL | SFBool | inputOutput | TRUE | Unused | ||
post | SFTime | outputOnly | This event is triggered when the job is finished | |||
pre | SFTime | outputOnly | This event is triggered when the job starts |