instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:

SpaceNavigator (Standard name: Navigator)

This Navigator is used to directly manipulate the camera position in 3D space. Please note: translation/rotation and transformation do not trigger a mutual update, since both options are only provided for convenience.



XML encoding
<SpaceNavigator translation='0 0 0'
rotation='0 0 1 0'
keyDic='u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape'
Classic encoding
SpaceNavigator {
	translation 0 0 0
	rotation 0 0 1 0
	transformation identity
	enabled TRUE
	keyDic ["u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape"]
	logFeature [""]


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
MFString keyDic MFString initializeOnly u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape Keyboard mapping
MFString logFeature MFString inputOutput state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything
SFBool enabled SFBool inputOutput TRUE If TRUE, the navigator is enabled
SFInt32 keyPress SFInt32 inputOnly Key press in-slot
SFInt32 keyRelease SFInt32 inputOnly Key release in-slot
SFMatrix4f add_transformation SFMatrix4f inputOnly add relative matrix
SFMatrix4f transformation SFMatrix4f inputOutput identity absolute camera matrix (changes do not update translation/rotation fields)
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element
SFRotation add_rotation SFRotation inputOnly add relative rotation
SFRotation rotation SFRotation inputOutput 0 0 1 0 absolute rotation (change does not update transformation field)
SFString message SFString inputOnly Message to be processed. Valid messages are: straightenUp dumpScreen dumpMessageList dumpKeyMapping toggleSortTrans toggleFullScreen toggleHeadlight toggleCollision toggleGlobalShadow nextShadowMode toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation toggleDrawVolume toggleCullBackFace toggleCullFrustum toggleCullOcclusion toggleCullSmallFeature nextDrawMode pointDrawMode lineDrawMode fillDrawMode nextInfoScreen firstView lastView nextView prevView resetViewPosition showAll walkNav flyNav freeFlyNav examineNav lookatNav gameNav panNav slideNav noneNav forward backward left right exportBackendASC exportBackendBIN exportSceneVRML exportSceneX3D increaseNavSpeed decreaseNavSpeed exit toggleFastRayIntersect backendWebInterface prevNavMode nextNavMode
SFVec3f add_translation SFVec3f inputOnly add relative translation
SFVec3f translation SFVec3f inputOutput 0 0 0 absolute translation (change does not update transformation field)