Package vrml.eai

Interface Summary
Browser Reference to a Browser instance.
BrowserFactoryImpl Implementation of the BrowserFactory class.
VrmlComponent An AWT component that is able to render VRML content.

Class Summary
BrowserFactory Factory that creates new Browser instances.
Node Reference to a VRML node.

Exception Summary
ConnectionException Exception that gets thrown when the network connection to a running X3D browser instance fails.
InvalidBrowserException Exception that gets thrown when you call a method on a Browser object that is not valid.
InvalidNodeException Exception that gets thrown when you use a Node object that is not valid.
InvalidURLException Exception that gets thrown when you specify an invalid URL.
InvalidVrmlException Exception that gets thrown when you specify invalid VRML code.
NoSuchBrowserException Exception that gets thrown when you try to get a reference to a browser that does not exist.
NotSupportedException Exception that gets thrown when you try to call a method of the EAI that is not implemented.
URLUnavailableException Exception that gets thrown when the EAI is not able to access a resource specified by a URL.
VrmlException Ancestor of all Exception thrown by the EAI.