instantreality 1.0

Avalon History


The aim of instantreality is to foster sustainability of software development in the field of Mixed Reality and to offer a framework that embraces the results of many research projects that have been realised at Fraunhofer IGD and ZGDV within the last five years.

Among these the following projects have considerably contributed to the developed technologies:

(founded by German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF))
The German network „VIVERA“ for Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies covers and synchronizes research work of five different Fraunhofer-Instituts (IFF, IAO, IPK, IWU, IGD). Thereby applications have been developed in the field of medicine, shipbuilding as well as automotive, plant and machinery engineering. IGD is leading the development of basic technologies, the project results are integrated into the instantreality system. 

(founded by German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF))
Within the ARTESAS project Augmented Reality Technologies are developed for service and maintenance support. Thereby the focus of IGDs work lies in the development of tracking technologies. Several demonstrators have been realised that have been evaluated by the industrial project partners.

(supported by the Information Society Technologies area of the EU’s 6th Framework programme)
The “ULTRA - Ultra portable augmented reality for industrial maintenance applications”  project develops Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies for mobile platforms using embedded CPUs (e.g. PDAs). In addition authoring tools for AR and VR applications have been developed.

(founded by German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF))
Virtual Humans are used to establish an innovative and intuitive man-machine communication. On the one hand a realistic appearance of Virtual Humans has been realised on the other hand behavior models have been implemented. Thus Virtual Humans act human-like and they react to the visitors behavior. (voice recognition, gesture and mimce simulation, etc.)