instantreality 1.0

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Developing with instantreality

instantreality is a high performance, real-time 3D and VR framework that let's you easily develop own applications and virtual worlds based on the X3D file format.

Our online documentation features a reference and various tutorials: from basic getting started over developing Augmented Reality apps up to how to connect own and special devices. We also provide a well documented api for scripting and as well as accessing the virtual worlds during runtime.


Working with X3D

For those who are new to X3D/VRML development: X3D is declarative file format with 3 different encodings (XML, Classic, Binary) and a successor of VRML format. Its ISO standardized specification and a conceptual overview can be found on For getting started on working with scene-graphs and the format's node types, we recommend some of these sources:

Annotated VRML Reference VRML 
Seminar Book. Introduction to VRML X3D Book Don Brutzman
The Annotated VRML 97 Reference Das Einsteiger-seminar VRML

X3D: Extensible 3D Graphics for Web Authors


Hands on

If you are already familiar with the basic concepts, we provide a huge documentation of X3D's whole nodestypes and components, which are just a few clicks away. If you have questions on the system or any other concerning working with instantreality or X3D, don't hestitate to use our forum