instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


Extrusion is a geometry node stretching a 2D cross section along a 3D-spine path in the local coordinate system Scaling/rotating cross-sections can produce a variety of shapes. Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.



XML encoding
<Extrusion logFeature=''
spine='0 0 0, 0 1 0'
scale='1 1'
orientation='0 0 1 0'
crossSection='1 1, 1 -1, -1 -1, -1 1, 1 1'
Classic encoding
Extrusion {
	logFeature [""]
	optimizationMode ["auto"]
	cacheMode "auto"
	normalUpdateMode "nice"
	invalidateVolume FALSE
	multiResolutionLevel 1
	resolution 1
	lit TRUE
	spine [0 0 0, 0 1 0]
	scale [1 1]
	orientation [0 0 1 0]
	crossSection [1 1, 1 -1, -1 -1, -1 1, 1 1]
	creaseAngle 0
	beginCap TRUE
	endCap TRUE
	ccw TRUE
	convex TRUE
	solid TRUE


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFBool beginCap SFBool initializeOnly TRUE Specifies whether beginning cap is drawn (similar to Cylinder top cap). Warning: cannot be changed after initial creation.
SFBool endCap SFBool initializeOnly TRUE Specifies whether end cap is drawn (similar to Cylinder end cap). Warning: cannot be changed after initial creation.
SFBool ccw SFBool initializeOnly TRUE ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex-coordinates orientation. Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation.
SFBool convex SFBool initializeOnly TRUE Specifies whether all polygons in a shape are convex. A convex polygon is planar, does not intersect itself, and has all interior angles less then; 180 degrees. Warning: Non planar and self intersecting polygons may produce undefined results even if the convex field is FALSE.
SFBool solid SFBool initializeOnly TRUE Specifies whether to draw only one side or both sides of polygons. Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side. TRUE: draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on); FALSE: draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off)
SFFloat creaseAngle SFFloat initializeOnly 0 [0, inf) CreaseAngle defines the angle (in radians) for determining whether adjacent polygons are drawn with sharp edges or smooth shading. If angle between normals of two adjacent polygons is less than creaseAngle, smooth shading is rendered across the shared line segment. Hint: creaseAngle=0 means render all edges sharply, creaseAngle=3.14 means render all edges smoothly.
MFVec2f crossSection MFVec2f inputOutput 1 1, 1 -1, -1 -1, -1 1, 1 1 (-inf, inf) An ordered set of 2D points drawing a piecewise-linear curve and forming a planar series of connected vertices. This provides a silhouette of the outer surface. Warning: match clockwise/counterclockwise or impossible/inverted geometry can result!
MFRotation orientation MFRotation inputOutput 0 0 1 0 [-1, 1] or (-inf, inf) for the last value of a 4-tuple List of 3D orientation parameters. These axis-angle orientation 4-tuples are applied at each spine-aligned cross-section plane. Hint: number of spine points, scale values and orientation values must be the same.
MFVec2f scale MFVec2f inputOutput 1 1 (0, inf) List of 2D-scale parameters applied at each spine-aligned cross-section plane. Hint: number of spine points, scale values and orientation values must be the same. Warning: zero or negative scale values not allowed.
MFVec3f spine MFVec3f inputOutput 0 0 0, 0 1 0 (-inf, inf) List of 3D points for a piecewise-linear curve forming a series of connected vertices, open or closed. This is the path along which the crossSection is extruded. Hint: number of spine points, scale values and orientation values must be the same.
SFBool lit SFBool initializeOnly TRUE Specifies whether to enable/disable lighting the geometry. TRUE enables lighting, FALSE disables lighting.
SFFloat resolution SFFloat inputOutput 1 factor for subdivision of mesh
SFInt32 multiResolutionLevel SFInt32 initializeOnly 1 resolution level in progressive mesh
SFBool invalidateVolume SFBool inputOutput FALSE set volume invalid
SFString normalUpdateMode SFString initializeOnly nice none; fast; nice force update of normals; nice update is with creaseAngle, fast is without
SFString cacheMode SFString initializeOnly auto auto; dlist; vbo; off controls the creation of geo cache objects; auto is vbo or dlist for dynamic objects
MFString optimizationMode MFString inputOutput auto auto; all, none, sharedVertex; stripFan; vertexResort; reduceIndexSize; singleIndex optimization mode settings; used leading +/- to switch modes on and off
MFString logFeature MFString inputOutput state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element