instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:

SpaceNavigator (Standard name: Navigator)

This Navigator is used to directly manipulate the camera position in 3D space. Please note: translation/rotation and transformation do not trigger a mutual update, since both options are only provided for convenience.



XML encoding
<SpaceNavigator translation='0 0 0'
rotation='0 0 1 0'
keyDic='u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape'
Classic encoding
SpaceNavigator {
	translation 0 0 0
	rotation 0 0 1 0
	transformation identity
	enabled TRUE
	keyDic ["u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape"]
	logFeature [""]


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