Environment (Standard name: EnvironmentBindable)
Bindable for global environment settings
XML encoding
<Environment globalShadowIntensity='0' shadowMapSize='512' shadowMode='perspectiveHardShadow' shadowOffset='4' shadowSmoothness='0.5' shadowExcludeTransparentObjects='TRUE' frameBufferMode='auto' occlusionCulling='FALSE' occlusionCullingMode='stopAndWait' occlusionCullingPixels='0.0' occlusionCullingThreshold='0' sortTrans='TRUE' correctTwoSidedLighting='TRUE' twoSidedLighting='TRUE' polygonMode='fill' drawVolume='FALSE' localLights='TRUE' smallFeatureCulling='FALSE' smallFeatureCullingMode='traversal' smallFeaturePixels='10.0' smallFeatureThreshold='0' specTexLighting='TRUE' backfaceCulling='FALSE' frustumCulling='TRUE' syncOnFrameFinish='FALSE' stateSorting='TRUE' systemSpeed='1.0' autoFPSAdjustTarget='-1.0 -1.0' autoFPSAdjustSmallFeaturePixels='0.0 10000.0' autoFPSAdjustOcclusionPixels='-1.0 -1.0' isDefault='FALSE' description='' triggerName='Synchronize' logFeature='' />
Classic encoding
Environment { globalShadowIntensity 0 shadowMapSize 512 shadowMode "perspectiveHardShadow" shadowOffset 4 shadowSmoothness 0.5 shadowExcludeTransparentObjects TRUE frameBufferMode "auto" occlusionCulling FALSE occlusionCullingMode "stopAndWait" occlusionCullingPixels 0.0 occlusionCullingThreshold 0 sortTrans TRUE correctTwoSidedLighting TRUE twoSidedLighting TRUE polygonMode "fill" drawVolume FALSE localLights TRUE smallFeatureCulling FALSE smallFeatureCullingMode "traversal" smallFeaturePixels 10.0 smallFeatureThreshold 0 specTexLighting TRUE backfaceCulling FALSE frustumCulling TRUE syncOnFrameFinish FALSE stateSorting TRUE systemSpeed 1.0 autoFPSAdjustTarget -1.0 -1.0 autoFPSAdjustSmallFeaturePixels 0.0 10000.0 autoFPSAdjustOcclusionPixels -1.0 -1.0 isDefault FALSE description "" triggerName "Synchronize" logFeature [""] }
Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id | Name | DataType | PartType | Default | ValueType | Description |
set_bind | SFBool | inputOnly | Sending event set_bind=true makes this node active. Sending event set_bind=false makes this node inactive. Thus setting set_bind to true/false will pop/push (enable/disable) this Bindable | |||
bindTime | SFTime | outputOnly | Event sent when node becomes active/inactive. | |||
isBound | SFBool | outputOnly | FALSE | Event true sent when node becomes active, event false sent when unbound by another node. | ||
description | SFString | initializeOnly | Text description or navigation hint to be displayed for this Bindable. Hint: make descriptions clear and readable. Warning: without description, Bindable (e.g. Viewpoint objs) can not be activated/deactivated with keyboard or gui messages (e.g. switched with PgUp bzw PgDn) | |||
metadata | SFNode | inputOutput | MetadataObject | container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element |