instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


The Navigator2D is used to navigate with a mouse or via multi-touch through the 3D scene.



XML encoding
<Navigator2D pickScene='TRUE'
keyDic='u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape'
Classic encoding
Navigator2D {
	pickScene TRUE
	pickNodeType "Geometry"
	callSensorsOnTouch TRUE
	enabled TRUE
	keyDic ["u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape"]
	logFeature [""]


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFBool callSensorsOnTouch SFBool inputOutput TRUE If false, pointing sensors are not internally called (useful for UserBody-based interaction).
SFBool enabled SFBool inputOutput TRUE If TRUE, the navigator is enabled
MFString keyDic MFString initializeOnly u straightenUp, G dumpScreen, d dumpKeyMapping, D dumpMessageList, q noneNav, T toggleSortTrans, ENTER toggleFullScreen, t nextShadowMode, x toggleGlobalShadow, h toggleHeadlight, I toggleCollision, i toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation, a showAll, v toggleDrawVolume, c toggleCullFrustum, C toggleCullBackFace, S toggleCullSmallFeature, o toggleCullOcclusion, O nextOcclusionCullMode, [ decreaseCullFeature, ] increaseCullFeature, m nextDrawMode, SPACE nextInfoScreen, HOME firstView, END lastView, PGDN nextView, PGUP prevView, r resetViewPosition, w walkNav, s slideNav, p panNav, f flyNav, F freeFlyNav, e examineNav, E geoExamineNav, g gameNav, l lookatNav, UP forward, DOWN backward, LEFT left, RIGHT right, R reload, n exportBackendASC, N exportBackendBIN, V exportSceneVRML, X exportSceneX3D, + increaseNavSpeed, - decreaseNavSpeed, B toggleFastRayIntersect, b backendWebInterface, { prevNavMode, } nextNavMode, ESC escape Keyboard mapping
SFInt32 keyPress SFInt32 inputOnly Key press in-slot
SFInt32 keyRelease SFInt32 inputOnly Key release in-slot
MFString logFeature MFString inputOutput state, child, parent, route, eventIn, eventOut controls the logging of changes, state: log state changes (e.g. live), child: log child add/remove, parent: log parent add/remove, route: log route add/remove; eventIn: log receiving of events, eventOut: log sending of events: guiView, runtime system should create node-view, guiEdit: runtime system should create node-editeverything: log everything
SFString message SFString inputOnly Message to be processed. Valid messages are: straightenUp dumpScreen dumpMessageList dumpKeyMapping toggleSortTrans toggleFullScreen toggleHeadlight toggleCollision toggleGlobalShadow nextShadowMode toggleLazyInteractionEvaluation toggleDrawVolume toggleCullBackFace toggleCullFrustum toggleCullOcclusion toggleCullSmallFeature nextDrawMode pointDrawMode lineDrawMode fillDrawMode nextInfoScreen firstView lastView nextView prevView resetViewPosition showAll walkNav flyNav freeFlyNav examineNav lookatNav gameNav panNav slideNav noneNav forward backward left right exportBackendASC exportBackendBIN exportSceneVRML exportSceneX3D increaseNavSpeed decreaseNavSpeed exit toggleFastRayIntersect backendWebInterface prevNavMode nextNavMode
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element
SFVec2f mouseMove SFVec2f inputOnly Mouse move event in. This input is set by the application
SFBool mouseOver SFBool outputOnly TRUE is sent if the mouse points to a pointing sensor
SFInt32 mousePress SFInt32 inputOnly Mouse press event in. This input is set by the application
SFInt32 mouseRelease SFInt32 inputOnly Mouse release event in. This input is set by the application
MFNode pickedNodes_changed MFNode outputOnly The picked node, NULL if nothing was picked.
MFVec4f pickedPanePositionsIDs_changed MFVec4f outputOnly The intersection points (and IDs) with the viewing pane.
MFVec3f pickedPoints_changed MFVec3f outputOnly The picked point.
SFString pickNodeType SFString inputOutput Geometry The value node type for picking.
MFVec3f pickPositionsIDs MFVec3f inputOnly Screen pixel position event in with ID in z. This input is set by the application.
SFBool pickScene SFBool inputOutput TRUE If false, pickedNodes and pickedPoints are not updated.
MFVec4f touchPoints MFVec4f inputOnly Touch points (x, y, id, button state) with button press 0, release 1, move 2.
SFTime triggerUpdate SFTime inputOnly used to trigger camera updates (to be improved)